Web Server 101

The primary task of a web server is to receive the requests from the client & provide the response after executing the business logic based on the request parameters received from the client.

Every service, running online, needs a server to run. Servers running web applications are commonly known as the application servers

application server.JPG

Besides the application servers, there are other kinds of servers too with specific tasks assigned to them such as the:

  • Proxy server

  • Mail server

  • File server

  • Virtual server

The server configuration & the type can differ depending on the use case.

  • For instance, if we run a backend application code written in Java, we would pick Apache Tomcat or Jetty

  • For simple use cases such as hosting websites, we would pick the Apache HTTP Server

In this lesson, we will stick to the application server.

All the components of a web application need a server to run. Be it a database, a message queue, a cache or any other component. In modern application development, even the user interface is hosted separately on a dedicated server